The beginnings of geography in Poland

Poland appeared as a European state after adopting Christianity (AD 966). Initially, only some members of the clergy did research work. The development of parish schools, convent schools, and first of all, the establishment of the Krakow Academy (1364), offered access to education to the wider public.

The restoration of the University (1400), along with the reorganization and the new rules for the University operation offered education to different classes. In the 15th century, more than a half of lecturers at the Academy were of burgher or peasant descent.

In the 16th century, the high level of science lectures earned Polish mathematics and astronomy a prominent position in Europe. this period is known as the Golden Age of Polish geography. the gradual strengthening of the country, the development of administration and military structures, contributed to the growing interest in geography. Thanks to a rather liberal approach to reformatory trends in Poland, people suffering persecution in other European countries drew to the Poland to settle here.

The turn of the 17th/18th centuries was marked by many wars and conflicts, which caused the standstill and the decline of the state structures. The strong influence of Jesuit schools, the closing of other religion schools and the weakening of the position of the Academy caused Poland`s scientific life to decline.


Development of particular areas by the end of the seventeenth century.